Social media is just different in Russia. This difference in social media use is of huge importance for brands who use social media sites for advertising, as it can russian dating social network change a marketing strategy that is used in other parts of the world. That aside, it’s also just interesting to see how online communication can differ in different parts of the world!
Here are eight of the social media platforms that are best at connecting with Russian users. If you live in Russia, you’re far more likely to think of the Russian social media website vk. Here are some amazing things to know about VK. Facebook and a file sharing platform. Much like Facebook, users have a profile and can easily search for and add other users to follow their status updates, photos, and videos. Along with these traditional functions, users can also upload video and audio files of any kind and share these resources with other users as well. VK is now working with major record labels to launch a subscription service that will allow for legal sharing of these files.
Much like VK, OK allows users to create a profile, search for friends, and share status updates and images. The focus of OK is reconnecting with classmates and friends that users may have lost touch with over the years, so the search parameters are quite detailed. 6 million people use Moi Mir each month to share images, music, and videos, as well as to play games and meet new friends. Moi Mir’s search strategy includes several questions focused on a person’s dating life, which is something that most other social media sites have yet to do. 6 million Russian visitors each month. This isn’t necessarily surprising, as Facebook is constantly changing its platform to better align with its perceived users’ needs.
This trend is far from true in Russia, however, where over 15. As an occasional personal blogger, I have seen a lot of other folks in the blogosphere who just want to write personal publications that are not exactly meant for making money. Do you keep a journal or diary on one of the several online life logs? You might be interested in publishing your thoughts in form of a book. Twitter is another classic social media site that does quite well in Russia. So, even though Twitter may not be a mainstay for most Russian social media users, those who choose to use it are tweeting up a storm! Rutube hosts both licensed content and user uploads, and the vast majority of all uploads are in Russian.
This high percentage of Russian content makes Rutube an incredibly valuable resource for anyone trying to learn the language. Instagram is rapidly moving up the social media ranks in Russia, and currently has 12. While Instagram’s main functions continue to be easy to access and use, there are several options, tools, and third-party apps that most of us don’t even realize are out there! Instagram and to other popular social media websites. Want to pick the best Snapchat filter for your photos?
Here’s a full list of Snapchat filters, plus which ones you should use. If you’re from Russia and you could expand on why you do or don’t use different social media platforms, I’d love to hear your insight in the comments! If you’re not from Russia, which of the social media sites above were unfamiliar to you before reading this article? Explore more about: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. What Is Snapchat and Is It Right for You?