Russian dating elena

Russian dating elena

I always know what I want and achieve russian dating elena goals. I am that kind of woman who place family and relationship on the first place. If I love a man, I will give myself, my heart, my soul, my body. My thoughts always will be with him.

I practice yoga which help me to train not only my body but also my spirit. Every summer I go for vocation to sea shore and usually go to Crimea which is my favorite place to have some rest. I am fond of psychological books which help me better understand myself and people around. I am family oriented woman and want to find my soulmate, my friend, lover and husband in one person.

I don’t demand something extraordinary, my needs are simple. I dream about kind, loving, caring, reliable, faithful, generous man. He should have nice sense of humor and love me more than anything else in this life. Looking for single Russian women for marriage, love, and romance?

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