Dating russian muslim

Dating russian muslim

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HACKER SAFE certified sites prevent over 99. Was living in Dubai over 5 years, currently in Russia. Keep traveling all my life, willing to have family with 2-3 kids and relocate to the country of my husband. Love cooking, baking a lot, painting calligraphy. I’m kind, positive and easy going.

I’ve been in the US and spent there 6 months. I’m very responsible and honest and I hate liars. I’m a nice and kind lady. I like to listen to music, read books. But I also enjoy scenery out at home. If you want to know more please ask.

At present I am the 4th year student of the university. I like to learn new everyrhing, communcate with different ppeople andlearn from their experince. I am keen on to spend time with my family and friends. Also I really like lose karma. I am fashion photographer, had previously lived in Moscow and worked there, it is now has returned to the Tatarstan to open their studio but with each passing day it is my understanding that I am bored to live. Here I wish to find their own destiny.