However, it’s important to keep in mind that relying too heavily on gender stereotypes and generalizations is never a good way to start a romantic endeavor. Russian fashion trends often tend to favor simplicity in color and design, especially when it comes to men’s clothing. However, you also don’t want to venture too far into the latest trends and wear something completely out of the norm in Russia. Looking presentable is always a good way to impress your date, no matter where he or she is from, but you don’dating russian girl tips want to appear overly concerned with your personal appearance or stand too far out from the crowd.
Ultimately, though, it’s important to be true to yourself in your fashion choices—don’t try to change your wardrobe just because you think it will attract women. However, looking your best is great way to show that you’re not only interested in impressing your date but in taking care of your hygiene, appearance, and health for yourself as well. While American gender norms historically have expected men to “call the shots” when taking a woman on a date, dissolving gender roles have resulted in a clear desire for mutual respect and communication when it comes to planning an evening together—and the same can be said for cultural expectations in Russia. Still, people of all genders appreciate someone who is assertive about their personal desires. When it’s time to discuss plans, you’ll want to be assertive and decisive but also open to her suggestions instead of forcing plans on your date—especially if you have no idea if she’ll enjoy your itinerary. Russian women appreciate their opinions and desires being heard and respected, even when it comes to deciding what restaurant to visit, but a willingness to make decisions and offer suggestions goes a long way in showing you’re a capable person that’s desirable to date. While Russian women believe in equality of the sexes, they also still appreciate courtesies and gentlemanly behaviors like opening doors and helping them with their coats.